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Craft recipe: doll's wings

Checklist, ingredients and tools

1. Host wall

A wall with a width of 5 meters and a height of at least 2.5 meters from the ground with accessibility to work standing next to it, and up to a distance of 5 meters for remote photography (preference for an existing center where a community activity takes place that will allow photography for children and adults with the wings).

1. Host wall

A wall with a width of 5 meters and a height of at least 2.5 meters from the ground with accessibility to work standing next to it, and up to a distance of 5 meters for remote photography (preference for an existing center where a community activity takes place that will allow photography for children and adults with the wings).

2. Plywood board - optional (can be pasted on the wall directly)

A board with a thickness of 5 mm, and the size of the wings themselves - 3.5x4.5 meters or 4x5 meters

3. Old plastic toys

6 boxes of 60 liters full of small or broken old plastic toys that you no longer need, of all the colors of the rainbow, (very important! Not fur dolls that are difficult to glue)

4. Silicone glue / Super 7 transparent sealant

3 packs of 290 ml sporfert

3 professional silicone guns

5. Spray against sun damage

2 sprays of transparent varnish to prevent sun damage and water resistance

6. Jumbo type screw

6 jumbo screws for hanging the wings

7. Work tables

2-3 tables on which the wings can be placed for comfortable work at height  (not mandatory if pasting directly on the wall)

Essential ingredients for crafting

2. Jackson type vertical saw

In favor of cutting the shape of the wings

1. Thick black marker

To sketch the drawing of the wings on the wooden surface or the wall

2. Jackson type vertical saw

In favor of cutting the shape of the wings

3. Glue guns

For the silicone glue tubes

4. Cutting knife

A metal cutting knife for crafts and crafts

5. Electric drill / hammer

For drilling holes in a concrete wall *Note that the drill is suitable for jumbo type screws

6. Electric screwdriver

For tightening and securing the screws to the wall *an adapter is needed for jumbo type screws

7. Disposable gloves 

For clean work, and saving time before dinner to scrub and remove the glue from the hands

Craft tools

1. Community 

Children, youth, parents and adults who are interested in creating a special community meaning that contributes to the commemoration of Livnat Kotz and her late family.

and the most important work of all

The craft of the wings - the four steps:

1. Setting a date for the activity 

A "launch day" is set in the community diary when the wings are hung on the host wall.

2. Collecting plastic toys

Two weeks before, the event is announced among the community, and everyone is invited to donate toys:

Small, in all colors, made of plastic, which are no longer used.

Define a collection point for toys and three days before the event, it is advisable to make sure that enough toys of the required type have been collected.

3. Prepare the stencil of the wings

Drawing the wings on plywood and cutting their shape with the help of the Jackson saw - can be prepared in advance and before the start of the community activity or can be done during the activity.

*For those who decided not to use plywood, we recommend projecting the wings onto the wall and drawing accordingly.

4. The craft day  

  • Sort the toys by color.

  • Designated color areas are drawn on the wing stencil.

  • Glue the toys according to the drawing prepared by those in charge and under their guidance.

  • Lift the plywood on which the toys were glued and screw it to the wall according to the marking.

  • If the community center prepared a commemorative sign for the late Livnat Kotz - now is the time to hang it as well.

  • Taking pictures with wings and smiling a huge smile!

  • Send us to the site


Adi Levy Slama (Livnat's Sister)


Mobile: +972-52-8441070


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